Home / Conditions Treated

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine work very well as a treatment for many conditions. Because the focus of acupuncture is to view the body holistically and to restore balance, the benefits of acupuncture extend to a wide variety of conditions (many are listed below). We have faith in the efficacy of Acupuncture and Chinese medicine, and we are confident that we can supply highly effective treatment (meaning complete or substantial reduction of symptoms) for you. Here is a list of conditions treated with acupuncture:

Chronic and Acute Pain Conditions respond extremely well to acupuncture treatment. We have successfully treated the following:

We have had great success treating many Psychological Conditions including the following:

Acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and proper nutrition can help put the symptoms of Autoimmune Disorders in remission. We have successfully treated many AI diseases including the following:

Digestive Disorders can be addressed with acupuncture, herbs /supplements, and proper nutritional guidance. We can help if you’re suffering from any of the following:

Women’s Health – One of our most popular programs! Let us help if you’re dealing with any of the following:

Men’s Health – have no fear guys, the needles do not hurt! We can help you successfully overcome…


Don’t see your condition listed? Call us and we’ll let you know if we can help!