Many insurance companies offer policies that cover acupuncture treatment and any related services that would be performed by your acupuncturist. At Boca Raton Acupuncture we do accept insurance.
We are in network with the following insurance providers:
- Aetna
- Cigna
- United Healthcare
- Empire Plan (NYSHIP)
- Prominence
- Humana Gold (Tivity)
- VA
If you have Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS), you may have out of network benefits that will cover the cost of your treatment.
How do I know if my insurance plan covers acupuncture?
We will gladly verify your coverage for you. Just call our office at 561-939-0430 and provide us with the necessary information that is found on your insurance card. We will call your insurance provider’s patient information benefits line and determine your eligibility and coverage.
We will gather the following information for you:
- Whether or not your specific condition is covered for acupuncture.
- What your deductible would be, if any.
- Whether or not you would need a referral from your MD for acupuncture treatment.
- What your co-pay will be.
- How many treatments will be covered.
Is Acupuncture Covered by Medicare and Medicaid?
Medicare and Medicaid do not provide coverage for acupuncture treatment at this time.
Can I get acupuncture treatment if I have been in a car accident?
If you have been in an automobile accident, your insurance or the person at faults auto insurance will in many instances pay for acupuncture treatments. We can also help you determine if you have coverage for personal injury from an auto accident. Give us a call at 561-939-0430 and we’ll be glad to help.