Boca Raton Acupuncture

At Boca Raton Acupuncture we offer a wide array of holistic treatment modalities as well as a unique approach to healthcare, utilizing the best of Acupuncture, Alternative Medicine and Western Medicine.

If you are unsure where to turn for treatment or dissatisfied with the current system of medicine, we are here to help. We will help you determine the most appropriate treatment strategies to fit your needs and your budget.

Each treatment modality within Traditional Chinese Medicine (such as acupuncture) is simply a tool to address your health issue both constitutionally (root) and symptomatically (branch).

Acupuncture, as part of TCM, has been found to be an effective way to treat many complex conditions. Whether you use acupuncture alone (or with other TCM modalities) or as a complement to Western Medicine, our goal here at Boca Raton Acupuncture is to guide you on your journey to health and wellness with a straight-forward, results driven, common sense approach to your care.

After your first treatment you will appreciate how simple, yet powerful acupuncture can be. But even more importantly, you’ll understand the root cause of your condition and how we are going to work together to fix it!

This medicine is supported by scientific research, thousands of years of observation by Chinese Medicine Masters, as well as patient testimonials. Acupuncture as part of Traditional Chinese Medicine can treat many conditions effectively. We’re confident that it can treat yours too! Call today to get started at 561-939-0430

Download our PATIENT FORMS prior to your visit.


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