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According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 12.4% of American men above the age of 18 are either in poor or fair health. The causes for this type of situation are as diverse as the individuals living with them, but there seems to be an agreement on some factors across the board regarding men’s health. For example, 30% of these men have 5 or more alcoholic drinks at least one day in a year.

In addition to that, 48% of them do not pay attention to physical exercise. 16.7% of them smoke. Even more concerning, 34.5 % of American men over the age of 30 are obese. These stats might shed some light on why a large number of American males have multiple health issues.

What are the most common heath issues men have to face?

  1. Infertility (poor motility and morphology, low sperm volume)
  2. Premature Ejaculation
  3. Low Libido and Impotence
  4. Chronic Fatigue
  5. Chronic Stress
  6. Insomnia
  7. Stubborn Weight Gain
  8. Pain disorder

Definitions and causes of the various health issues

Infertility – This is referred to as the inability of a man to make a fertile woman conceive by natural means. The problem affects 7% of all men around the world and is thought to lack a demographic disposition. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, 90% of all cases of male infertility are caused by low sperm count or poor sperm quality. Other minor causes include genetics, hormonal imbalances or physical injuries.

Premature ejaculation – This is a scenario in which the male ejaculates before or immediately after sexual penetration. It is usually an involuntary action, as per WebMD. 30 million American males suffer from premature ejaculation. The cause is not clearly defined, but anxiety, guilt or depression can accelerate the slide into PE.

Low libido and impotence – When your sex drive plummets, you are said to have low libido levels. Impotence is the inability of a man to achieve and sustain an erection. Today, one in every four men over the age of 30 in the US suffers from low sex drive. It can be the result of stress, depression, injuries, health conditions or even low self-esteem.

Chronic fatigue – Also known as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), this is a state of incessant tiredness that is not caused by hidden medical conditions. While the exact cause is not known, scientists’ belief that stress and viral infections are some of the possible explanations. 2.5 million Americans are victim to this disorder.

Chronic stress – This is aggravated stress and emotional pressure where the patient feels they have no control over what is happening to them. Causes include life situations such as the loss of a loved one, pressure at home, loss of employment or even financial challenges. 44% of all Americans suffer from long-term stress, with over 20% of those being male.

Insomnia – Simply defined, this is the inability to hit comfortable or regular sleeping spells. The Sleep Foundation says that the problem is caused by medical conditions (asthma, arthritis etc.), stress, and anxiety. It affects over 60 million Americans, with women being slightly more susceptible.

Stubborn weight gain – Americans definitely have a weight problem, with over 34% of men over 30 falling prey to this medical condition. This gain is in most cases associated with underlying issues such as stress, an underactive thyroid system or even diverse hormonal imbalances.

Pain disorder – This is intense pain in various body areas and is thought to be caused by psychological issues. Over 100 million Americans experience it, and the condition has no known gender lean.

Western Medical treatments for men’s health problems

  • Infertility, impotence, premature ejaculation and low libido levels can all be handled through hormonal corrections, surgery and therapy. If all fails, then Assisted Reproductive Therapies are always an option.
  • Chronic fatigue can be remedied via the use of sleeping pills, antidepressants and therapy. Therapy is one of the most popular approaches but requires discipline and consistency.
  • Guided meditation, exercises and therapy are great relievers of chronic stress.
  • Lifestyle changes, sleep medication and relaxation exercises will allow you to sleep for at least 6 hours a night.
  • Stubborn weight gain can be mitigated via the application of the right dietary regiments. Lifestyle changes, exercises and even therapy.
  • Pain disorder can be handled via massage therapy, physical therapy and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Studies showing the application and efficacy of acupuncture in mitigating men’s health issues

In 2002, only 8 million Americans tried acupuncture as part of their healthcare. By 2007, the figure had risen to 14 million and continues to rise today.

  1. Zoonchang (1997) undertook a study of 297 infertile men in a bid to understand what acupuncture could do for them. After 8 treatment courses, 50% were able to achieve pregnancy with their partners, 27% gained normal sperm count and motility, 18% had improved sperm count but normal motility, while 7% attained no change.
  2. The Pacific College of Oriental Studies indicates that acupuncture is a strong solution to chronic fatigue, something echoed by a study published on NCBI by the Department of Social Work and Social Administration, University of Hong Kong.
  3. Ladan Eshkevari, reporting for the rest of his research team in an article published on the Journal of Endocrinology, states that studies conducted in rats indicate that the stress-relieving properties of acupuncture can be transferred to humans.
  4. Lee. TN(1977) reports that in his experimentations with auricular acupuncture,15 out of 16 subjects were effectively healed of insomnia. He also notes that the approach is highly effective in patients with underlying conditions as well.
  5. Huang et Al (1996) reports that in a study of the application of acupuncture in dealing with obesity, out of 45 subjects, 87% managed to lose weight over a period of 8 weeks. The males performed especially well in this one.
  6. A recent study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine indicates that acupuncture and TCM are way better than conventional approaches when it comes to handling pain disorder. The study covered a whopping 18,000 subjects over a long period of time, and the results were highly definitive.

Acupuncture works for Men’s Health

If you have been dealing with any of the aforementioned conditions and would like to try a viable alternative, then you should consider acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine. Learn more on how it works here, or give us a call to schedule a free consultation today. We have helped many of our male patients achieve the health results they desire, and we are confident we can help you too!

References and authority sites…


  • Baum, A. (1990). “Stress, Intrusive Imagery, and Chronic Distress,” Health Psychology, Vol. 6, pp. 653-675
  • Dallman, M. et al. (2003). “Chronic stress and obesity: A new view of ‘comfort food.'” PNAS, Vol. 100, pp. 11696-11701.
  • Huang MH, Yang RC, Hu SH. Preliminary results of triple therapy for obesity. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord 1996; 20: 830–836.
  • Lee TN. Lidocaine injection of auricular points in the treatment of insomnia. Am J Chin Med 1977;5:71-77.
    Ranjith G (2005). “Epidemiology of chronic fatigue syndrome”. Occup Med (Lond). 55 (1): 13–29. PMID 15699086. doi:10.1093/occmed/kqi012.
  • Vgontzas, A.N. et al. (1997). “Chronic insomnia and activity of the stress system: a preliminary study.” Journal of Psychosomatic Research, Vol. 45, pp. 21-31.
  • Zongchang Z. Analysis on the therapeutic effect of combined use of acupuncture and mediation in 297 cases of male sterility. Tradit Chin Med 1997;17: 190-193.