Matthew Enright AP, DOM
Matthew Enright A.P., D.O.M. (FL) is a Doctor of Oriental Medicine and currently practices acupuncture in Boca Raton and Palm Beach Gardens Florida. Matthew is a wellness-driven acupuncture physician, with 18 years’ experience serving diverse populations with an emphasis on pain management, pre / post-surgical preparation and recovery, and systemic well-being with an impressive background offering integrative care for both acute and chronic conditions.
*Rated #1 in Boca Raton on the “Best Rated Acupuncturist in Boca Raton FL” by www.RateMDs.com; Top 10 Best Rated Doctors in FL by Specialty from 2014-2022.
In addition to managing a busy practice, Dr. Enright is also an adjunct professor at NOVA Southeastern University teaching Integrative medicine and the fundamentals of Traditional Chinese Medicine in the Bachelor of Health Sciences program. He is also the Course Director and Chief Instructor of the “The Art and Science of Acupuncture: Basic Course” for the University of Miami, Miller School of Medicine which is a 100+ hour acupuncture training and certification program for licensed MD’s, DO’s and DC’s in the state of Florida.
In 1997, Matthew Enright graduated with a bachelor’s degree in medical illustration from R.I.T. He has collaborated with physicians from operating rooms, hospitals and clinics to develop illustrations for patient education and has produced conceptual designs from both cadaver and live subjects.
Matthew has served as Chief Medical Illustrator for “A Compendium of Degenerative Brain Diseases with Section on Neurophysiology and Neuropharmacology” and “Three Needle Techniques” and has also served as Author and Chief Medical Illustrator for “Anatomy of Acupuncture” published December 2015.
In 2002, Matthew graduated top of his class with a master’s degree with a double major in acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from the Atlantic Institute of Oriental Medicine. Matthew is a licensed Acupuncture Physician, Doctor of Oriental Medicine (FL) and is licensed to practice in Florida and New York
In 2012, Matthew received his certification in Advanced Acupuncture for Cancer Patients – Integrative Oncology from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Integrative Medicine Service. Matthew also received his first-Degree Reiki Certification from The Reiki System of Natural Healing.
In 2013, Matthew received his certification in Herbs and Dietary Supplements in Cancer Care from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, Integrative Medicine Service.
In 2011, 2012 and 2013 Matthew has been brought in to perform traditional Chinese Medical screenings, lecture and administer Acupuncture treatments for Discovery Communications, LLC as part of their corporate health and wellness initiative. (The Discovery Channel, TLC, Animal Planet, Science Channel, Investigation Discovery, OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network, The Hub, Military Channel, Planet Green, Discovery Health & Fitness, HD Theater, 3net, International Networks, Turbo, Discovery Kids, Discovery Education, Discovery Enterprises International (DEI)).
He has studied under and interned with world renowned Neurologist/Gynecologist, Dr Fu, Di (MD, China) specializing in pain management, sports medicine, neurological disorders, women’s health issues and integrative oncology with acupuncture, acu-pressure, Homeopathy, NAET, NET and herbal therapy.
Matthew has also served as a business consultant for several financial and marketing firms dealing with client or department heads to define needs or problems, perform research, studies and surveys to obtain and analyze data to advise on or recommend solutions utilizing knowledge of theory, principles or technology of specific discipline or field of specialization.
Quote from Matthew Enright, A.P., D.O.M.:
“I believe acupuncture and TCM are common sense medicines. It’s not about simply letting people know that I practice acupuncture, it’s about letting people know that I provide relief for the patient that has been suffering from debilitating pain for the past 20 years, it’s about providing hope for those patients struggling with weight loss, infertility, anxiety or cancer. It’s about providing self-confidence for the patient that wants to live a better life and it’s about making people aware that they are not isolated, and that complementary care is available and effective.”